Former Residents of Alix (2)
March 28th 2021
From “People of Alix – as suggested by Gordon and Flora Wilton” (2)
Gleanings After Pioneers and Progress, Alix Clive Historical Club, 1981
Flemming: Mr. Flemming used to have a tailor shop in the old Underwood Building on Main Street in the 1920’s. He made suits fitted to order for his customers.
Henry: Henrys kept the drug store on the corner during the 1930’s. Mrs. Henry was a trained druggist. This store contained many things attractive to young people….The two sons, Frank and Jack, attended school in Alix.
Hurley, Nora: Nora Hurley came out to Canada with her brothers from Ireland in 1911 and lived with or near them south of Alix.
Jones, Eric: was a veteran of World War I who took up a quarter section of land under the Soldiers Settlement Scheme Board. He played the banjo to the accompaniment of Tom Bullivent’s piano for the dances. He retired to the coast of British Columbia.
Loney: Mr. Loney drove the bus from Alix to Edmonton via Camrose. The children attended Alix School. Everett Loney lives in Blackfalds [1981] and has been Brand Inspector for some years.
Marks: Mr. Marks was Mr. Loney’s father-in-law, Mrs. Marks was very active in the U.C.W. they lived east of Alix near the overhead bridge.
Matheson, George: George Matheson worked as a mechanic in Lymbery’s or perhaps Holling’s garage.
Monts: Two brothers and their families lived in the old Early house on Lake Streetin the 1920’s. They were probably brothers of Mrs. Oscar Sims.
Morgan, George: Mr. and Mrs. George Morgan and their family arrived from Britain some time after World War I to take up land two miles north of Alix under the Soldiers Settlement Board. They arrived in Alix when the creek was in food. Ulric Marryat met them at the train with his team and democrat. On the way to their new home the team went off the grade covered with water and they got stuck. Mrs. Morgan and the little ones had to be carried to dry land before they could continue their journey. The boys’ names were Merlin, Herbert, and Benny. Their sister’s name was Enid. Herbert married Isabel Martin and they had two daughters, Shirley and Pat.
Madsens lived near the overpass and not far from the Free Methodist campground. A daughter, Lydia, became a teacher in Lacombe and is now [1981] on the town council.
Owens: Mac Owens was born in Ireland and came to Alix in 1930. He later left to homestead I the Peace River country but found it too hard to break land so returned to alix. Alex Findlater found him his first job at Tom Bullivant’s. From there he went to Harbottles. Later he took up farming on the old Toepfer place. Then he sold his farm and moved to Red Deer….
Gleanings After Pioneers and Progress, Alix Clive Historical Club, 1981
Flemming: Mr. Flemming used to have a tailor shop in the old Underwood Building on Main Street in the 1920’s. He made suits fitted to order for his customers.
Henry: Henrys kept the drug store on the corner during the 1930’s. Mrs. Henry was a trained druggist. This store contained many things attractive to young people….The two sons, Frank and Jack, attended school in Alix.
Hurley, Nora: Nora Hurley came out to Canada with her brothers from Ireland in 1911 and lived with or near them south of Alix.
Jones, Eric: was a veteran of World War I who took up a quarter section of land under the Soldiers Settlement Scheme Board. He played the banjo to the accompaniment of Tom Bullivent’s piano for the dances. He retired to the coast of British Columbia.
Loney: Mr. Loney drove the bus from Alix to Edmonton via Camrose. The children attended Alix School. Everett Loney lives in Blackfalds [1981] and has been Brand Inspector for some years.
Marks: Mr. Marks was Mr. Loney’s father-in-law, Mrs. Marks was very active in the U.C.W. they lived east of Alix near the overhead bridge.
Matheson, George: George Matheson worked as a mechanic in Lymbery’s or perhaps Holling’s garage.
Monts: Two brothers and their families lived in the old Early house on Lake Streetin the 1920’s. They were probably brothers of Mrs. Oscar Sims.
Morgan, George: Mr. and Mrs. George Morgan and their family arrived from Britain some time after World War I to take up land two miles north of Alix under the Soldiers Settlement Board. They arrived in Alix when the creek was in food. Ulric Marryat met them at the train with his team and democrat. On the way to their new home the team went off the grade covered with water and they got stuck. Mrs. Morgan and the little ones had to be carried to dry land before they could continue their journey. The boys’ names were Merlin, Herbert, and Benny. Their sister’s name was Enid. Herbert married Isabel Martin and they had two daughters, Shirley and Pat.
Madsens lived near the overpass and not far from the Free Methodist campground. A daughter, Lydia, became a teacher in Lacombe and is now [1981] on the town council.
Owens: Mac Owens was born in Ireland and came to Alix in 1930. He later left to homestead I the Peace River country but found it too hard to break land so returned to alix. Alex Findlater found him his first job at Tom Bullivant’s. From there he went to Harbottles. Later he took up farming on the old Toepfer place. Then he sold his farm and moved to Red Deer….

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